Address, Phone Number, Villages, Wards and Other Important Details of Chenkal Grama Panchayat
Chenkal Grama Panchayat Office |
Address of Chenkal Grama Panchayat Office: Udiyankulangara,
Amaravila P.O. Thiruvananthapuram - 695122
Office Phone:0471-2232260
Mobile Number: 9496040618
Block Panchayat: Parassala
Taluk: Neyyatinkara
Area: 19.37 Sq.Km.
Formation Year: 1953
Total Villages: 1
Name of Villages: Chenka
Assembly Constituency: Neyyatinkara
Parliament Constituency: Thiruvananthapuram
Revenue District : Trivandrum
Total Wards: 21
Name of Wards: Keezhkolla, Vattavila, Kudumbottukonam,
Kochottukonam, General,Udhiyankulangara, Kottamam, Arayoor, Arayoor Kizhakku,
Ponvila, Thottinkara, Porannoor, Melammakam, Kodankara,Kunnanvila, Chenkal
Kizhakku, Chenkal, Vlathankara, Kizhakku, Keezhammakam, Vlathankara, Nochiyoor
Location of Chenkal
Grama Panchayat Office - Click Here
Location of Chenkal,
Thiruvananthapuram - Click Here
Chenkal is a Panchayat in Parassala Block in Thiruvananthapuram District of Kerala . It belongs to South Kerala Division . It is located 24 KM towards East from District head quarters Thiruvananthapuram. 3 KM from Parassala. 24 KM from State capital Thiruvananthapuram
This Place is in the border of the Thiruvananthapuram District and Kanniyakumari District. Kanniyakumari District Melpuram is East towards this place . It is near to the Tamil Nadu State Border. It is near to arabian sea.