Chemmaruthy Grama Panchayat - Useful Details

Address, Phone Numbers, Villages, Wards, and Other Important Details of Chemmaruthy Grama Panchayat 

Chemmaruthy Grama Panchayat Office
Address of Chemmaruthy Grama Panchayat Office: Panayara P.O., Sreenivasapuram, Thiruvananthapuram - 695145

Office Phone Number: 0470- 2602377

Mobile Number: 9496040752


Block Panchayat: Varkala

Taluk: Varkala

Area: 7.54 Sq.Km.

Year of Formation: 1953

Total Villages: 1

Name of Villages: Chemmaruthy      

Assembly Constituency: Varkala

Parliament Constituency: Attingal

Revenue District : Thiruvananthapuram

Total Wards: 19

Name of Wards: Vandippura, Palayamkunnu, Kovoor, Sivapuram, Muthana, Mavinmoodu, Njekkadu, Chemmaruthy, Panchayat Office, Valiyavila, Tharatta, Thokkadu, Praleyagiri, Panayara, Thachode, Sreenivasapuram, Nadayara, Muttappalam, Chavadimukku

Location of Chemmaruthy Grama Panchayat Office - Click Here

Location of Chemmaruthy Grama Panchayat - Click Here

Chemmaruthy is a panchayat in Varkala Taluk of Thiruvananthapuram district in the state of Kerala. It is 7 km east of Varkala city centre and 40 km north of state capital Trivandrum. It is also one of the 5 panchayats that shares border with Varkala Municipality.