Address, Phone Number, Villages, Wards and Other Important Details of Vithura Grama Panchayat
Vithura Grama Panchayat Office |
Office Phone:0472-2856221
Mobile Number: 9496040680
Block Panchayat: Vellanad
Taluk: Nedumangadu
Area: 138.08 Sq.Km.
Year of Formation: 1961
Total Villages: 3
Name of Villages: Vithura, Tholiccode,
Assembly Constituency: Aruvikkara
Parliament Constituency: Attingal
Revenue District : Thiruvananthapuram
Total Wards: 17
Name of Wards: Chettachal,
Ganapathiyamkodu, Ponnamchundu, Manali, Kallar, Anappara, Bonakkadu, Maruthamala,
Theviyodu, manithookki, peppara, Memala, Thallachira, Mulakkottukara, Vithura,
Koppam, Chennanpara