Thirupuram Grama Panchayat - Useful Details

Address, Phone Number, Villages, Wards and Other Important Details of Thirupuram Grama Panchayat

Thirupuram Grama Panchayat Office
Address of Thirupuram Grama Panchayat Office: Thirupuram P.O., Pazhayakada, Thiruvananthapuram- 695133

Office Phone:0471-2260738

Mobile Number: 9496040620


Block Panchayat: Parasala

Taluk: Neyyattinkara

Area: 8.57 Sq.Km.

Total Villages: 1

Name of Villages: Thirupuram

Assembly Constituency: Neyyattinkara

Parliament Constituency: Thiruvananthapuram

Revenue District : Thiruvananthapuram

Total Wards: 14

Name of Wards: Mulluvila, Iruvaikonam, Kumili,  Kalumugham, Pazhayakada,Mannakallu, Kanjampazhinji, Thirupuram, Planthottam, Puthenkada, Pathanavila, Mankoottam, Pulavangal, Puruthivila