Pothencode Grama Panchayat - Useful Details

Address, Phone Number, Villages, Wards and Other Important Details of Pothencode Grama Panchayat

Pothencode Grama Panchayat Office
Address of Pothencode Grama Panchayat Office: Pothencode P.O., Thiruvananthapuram - 695584

Office Phone:0471-2419238

Mobile Number: 9496040664

Email: pothencodugp@gmail.com

Block Panchayat: Pothencode

Taluk: Thiruvananthapuram

Area: 20.85 Sq.Km.

Year of Formation: 1953

Total Villages: 4

Name of Villages: Ayiroopara, Melthonnakkal, Keezhthonnakkal, Andoorkonam

Assembly Constituency: Nedumangadu

Parliament Constituency: Attingal

Revenue District : Trivandrum

Total Wards: 18

Name of Wards: Manalakam, Nethajipuram, Thachappally, Vavara Ambalam, Puliveedu, Pothencode Town, Plamoodu, Ayiroopara, Melevila, Kattayikkonam, Edathara, Karoor, Panimoola, Mannara, Manjamala, Kalloor, Kalluvetty, Vengode