Kilimanoor Grama Panchayat - Useful Details

Address, Phone Number, Villages, Wards and Other Important Details of Kilimanoor Grama Panchayat

Kilimanoor Grama Panchayat Office
Address of Kilimanoor Grama Panchayat Office: Kilimanoor P.O.

Thiruvananthapuram - 695601

Office Phone Number:0470-2672222

Mobile Number: 9496040722


Block Panchayat: Kilimanoor

Taluk: Chirayinkeezhu

Area: 19.00 Sq.Km.

Formation Year: 1995

Total Villages: 1

Name of Villages: Kilimanoor

Assembly Constituency: Attingal

Parliament Constituency: Attingal

Revenue District : Trivandrum

Total Wards: 15

Name of Wards: Malakkal, Panappamkunnu, Vilangara, Puthumangalam,, Mulakkalathukavu, Aroor, Pulimballikonam, Malayamadom, R.R.V, Choottayil, Kottaram, Deveswaram, Alathukavu, Ponganadu, Varinjottukonam

Location of Kilimanoor Grama Panchayat Office (Google Map) - Click Here

Location of Kilimanoor (Google Map) - Click Here