Anchuthengu Grama Panchayat - Useful Details

Address, Phone Numbers, Villages, Wards and Other Important Details Anchuthengu Grama Panchayat 

Anchuthengu Grama Panchayat Office
Anchuthengu Grama Panchayat Office Address: Anchuthengu - Perumathura Road, Anjuthengu P.O. Thiruvananthapuram - 695309

Office Phone Number:0470-2656652

Mobile Number: 9496040738           


Block Panchayat: Chirayinkeezhu

Taluk: Chirayinkeezhu

Area: 3.36 Sq.Km

Formation Year: 1952

Total Villages: 1

Name of Villages: Anjuthengu

Assembly Constituency: Chirayinkeezhu

Parliament Constituency: Attingal

Revenue District : Thiruvananthapuram

Total Wards: 14

Name of Wards: Kayikkara Asan Smarakam,  Nedunganda, Kaikkara, Kapaleeswaram, Mudippura, Puthen Nada, Valiya Palli, Poothura, Convent, Panchayat Office, Anchuthengu Junction, Mannakkulam, Munduthura, Mampally

Location of Anchuthengu Grama Panchayat Office - Click Here

Location of Anchuthengu Grama Panchayat - Click Here

Anchuthengu is a Panchayat in Trivandrum District. Anchuthengu, formerly known as Anjengo or Anjenga, is a coastal panchayath and town in the Thiruvananthapuram District of Kerala. It is situated 9km south-west of Varkala Town along Trivandrum - Varkala - Kollam coastal highway.