
Kattaikonam is located in Thiruvananthapuram District of Kerala. This quite residential area is located between Chenkottokonam and Pothencode on Sreekariyam - Chempazhanthy - Chenkottukonam - Pothencode road. Kattaikonam is around 2.2 km from Pothencode, 1.2 km from Madavoorpara, 5 km from Kazhakkuttom, 2.5 km from Chenkottukoanm, 4.5 km from Chempazhanthy, and 6.7 km from Sreekariyam. Main landmarks are Koonayil Sree Dharma Shastha Temple, Govt. U.P.S etc. The nearest Airport is Trivandrum International Airport and Kazhakkutom Railway Station is the nearest Railway Station.

Online Train time in Kazhakuttom Railway Station
Online Train time in Thiruvananthapuram Central Railway Station
Location of Kattaikonam (Satellite view)